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Parco Regionale della
Vena del Gesso Romagnola
Home » Territory » Parco Regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola » Itineraries » Nordic Walking

3. Landscape and athletic route

On foot         Great Interest: Panorama 
  • Forward time: about one and a half hours
  • Difficulty Level: Difficult due to its length and muddy in case of rain. Short asphalted stretch
  • Length: 6.5 km
  • Difference in height: Uphill 224m - Downhill 224m

Places of interest: the path onto the badlands' ridge, the Tanaccia cave

The itinerary departs from the parking lot with the four pines in the Via Rontana looking onto the badlands, about 1.9 km far from the train station. Turn left climbing down the asphalted road for 150 m. Turn left again and follow the street for about 800 m, and once you reach the bottom turn right and follow a flat dirt road for 800 m.

Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking
( PR Vena del Gesso Romagnola)
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