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Vena del Gesso Romagnola
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I Mammiferi e gli uccelli della Vena del Gesso Romagnola

The third notebook of the Park deals with biology again, especially with the homeothermic vertebrates. Many mammal and bird species inhabit the Vena del Gesso romagnola. This extraordinary rock formation, which is a real little mountain chain only consisting of selenite, is of great geological and speleological interest. It hosts rare or even unique plant species. It holds, in the silence and dark of its caves, bat colonies, and on the rocks and in the woods important birds of prey species can be found. This book is written by Massimo Bertozzi and Andrea Noferini, as regards the mammals, and by Massimiliano Costa as regards the part dedicated to birds. It is about the 198 species belonging to these two animal classes.
  • Series: Quaderni del Parco n. 3
  • Author/s: Massimo Bertozzi, Massimiliano Costa, Andrea Noferini
  • Publisher: Longo editore Ravenna
  • ISBN: 978-88-8063-834-6
  • Pages: 112
  • Size: 24x16,5
  • Year: 2015
  • Price: 10.00 €  
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